Our Programs

The best way to receive any of our services is to call us to make an appointment: 919-688-4772

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Medication Therapy Management

Medication management with clinical pharmacists trained in geriatrics, who work directly with participants, caregivers and providers to increase the benefits and decrease the risks from medicines.

Eligibility: Any Durham resident over 60 years old, at no cost up to 300% of the federal poverty level (monthly income in 2025 of $3,912/single or $5,287/couple).


Direct Financial Assistance

Direct financial assistance to help reduce medication costs for medicines on our formulary. We issue a pharmacy card participants can use at any community pharmacy, providing secondary coverage to their Medicare-approved drug plan. Those who qualify for Medicare’s “full” low-income subsidy, don’t need our financial help but receive our other services (below).

Eligibility: Medicare-eligible Durham seniors (60 and above) whose income is at or below 250% of the federal poverty level (monthly income in 2025 of $3,260/single or $4,406/couple).


Medicare Insurance Counseling

Medicare insurance counseling to ensure individuals have access to straightforward, accurate information that leads to good medical and prescription coverage decisions.

Eligibility: Any Medicare beneficiary living in Durham City or County. Conducted year-round, especially during each Open Enrollment Period in the fall.


Tailored Community Referral

Tailored community referral and care management linking seniors to other valuable community and governmental resources, such as medical transportation, in-home aide services and Medicare subsidies.

Eligibility: All participants, and we do our best to help anyone who calls us.

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