News & Updates

Check out our February 2025 Newsletter!

Our ED Gina Upchurch joined a recent conversation about eldercare on WUNC’s “Due South.” Tune in and listen on their website. You can read more about our advocacy work in this recent article from NC Health News.

Turning 65? Attend a free Medicare Basics seminar to learn all you need to know!
Register today!


Senior PharmAssist promotes healthier living for older adults in Durham by helping them obtain and better manage needed medications and by providing tailored health education, Medicare insurance counseling, community referrals, and advocacy.

We provide Medicare Counseling for all Durham residents throughout the year and during Medicare Open Enrollment. Financial assistance and comprehensive medication therapy management services are available to Durham residents over age 60, through our Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacists.


Tailored Community Referral


Medicare Insurance Counseling


Medication Therapy Management


Financial Assistance